Option to customize the TEXT of OBJ_MATRIX_OBJ variable

We have given an option to our customers to customize the TEXT of OBJ_MATRIX_OBJ variable. You can now use your own words/text on the place of default text for OBJ_MATRIX_OBJ variable.

You can also use OBJ_MATRIX_QTY and OBJ_MATIX_PRICE variables in the description field to replace them with the actual values of “Quantity Minimum” and “Item Price” e.g: Buy OBJ_MATRIX_QTY or more at OBJ_MATRIX_PRICE each.
When the description field is left blank, system will use default description e.g: Buy 6 or more of this item for $1.81 each.

Feel free to reach out in case of any questions. You can email us at support@storesecured.com or call at our toll free number (866) 324-2764.
~ Store Secured, LLC