
According to Wikipedias website we have found the following information regarding the current downtime: On July 2nd, 2009, the entire web infrastructure for (main website, merchant gateway website, etc) went offline a few minutes before midnight Pacific Time. None of the over 200,000 merchants who use payment gateway were able to process credit Status Read More » gateway appears to be down

Please note that at the moment the gateway appears to be down and is not processing transactions. ================================================= Requests to capture funds are not able to connect to The website is down And credit card authorizations and deposits are also not being accepted at this time ================================================= We have no further information gateway appears to be down Read More »

Checkout by Amazon Webinar

Checkout by Amazon is having a webinar to introduce potential clients to their service.  If you are interested the details and a signup link are below. ================================================= Checkout by Amazon: Inviting Amazon customers to shop on your site Wed, Jul 15, 2009 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM PDT Registration Web Link:

Checkout by Amazon Webinar Read More »

PayPal Pro offer for Canadian Merchants

New in Canada! PayPal has the pre-integrated all-in-one payment processing solution you’ve been looking for. Special Offer: Pay NO MONTHLY FEES for 3 months*! Offer ends September 18th 2009 Getting started is easy: – Call 1-866-787-2693 – Learn more online >> Learn more online *Terms and Conditions Receive a credit for your Website Payments

PayPal Pro offer for Canadian Merchants Read More »