We have been detecting sporadic issues with the Authorize.net payment gateway today 5/1. Some merchants and/or customers are receiving errors during processing/crediting or capturing funds. Please note that this is an Authorize.net issue and there is nothing that we can do at this time except to wait for them to correct it.
We are seeing errors from Authorize.net such as:
Server returned error information for request
The operation timed out
The connection with the server was reset
You can see the status update posted by Authorize.net at the following url: https://support.authorize.net/authkb/index?page=content&id=AL39
If you are an Authorize.net merchant you may wish to temporarily switch your payment gateway to no processor, this will simply capture your customers credit card numbers and you can manually process them later. This will prevent customers from experiencing any of the above errors and you can re-enable the gateway later when they have the issue resolved.